Lettera responsiva .
ad altra In cui richiedevasi, che diligentemente si notasse quanto accadeva in Bologna in occasione de’ Terremoti dello scorso anno 1779
Bologna, Stamperia di S. Tommaso d’Aquino, 1780
8° (188x124 mm). 30, [2] pp. Contemporary decorated paper wrappers. Red edges. A very good copy, slightly browned the outer blank margin of title. An unsignificant marginal paper flaw. Rare essay about the circumstances of the Bologna earthquake of 1779, a meticolous relation of the weather conditions and atmospheric phenomena that preceded and then accompanied the numerous earthquake shocks and aftershocks. With a final list of prayers for asking the end of the Flagello, through the intercession of Saint Emidius, the protector against earthquakes.
Baratta, p. 903; BSRI, p. 181, ER071.€ 430