Living with (and for) the Books
Libreria Pregliasco was founded in 1911 by young Lorenzo Pregliasco, who took over a dusty used book store in Turin a short walk from its current location.
For decades, his son Arturo, who passed away in 2022, and then grandson Umberto continued to study, promote, display, evaluate, and recommend thousands of books. Recently the bookstore has been transformed into an attractive open-space that combines tradition and modernity, antique and design furniture, incunabula and 20th-century editions, a true bibliographic parlor where Umberto Pregliasco passionately continues to live together with (and for) the books.
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Turin 2019
A new Open-Space on the first floor
After having crossed the characteristic spider's web gate designed by Riccardo Chicco, the visitor is greeted by an imposing and colorful mosaic that completely covers the walls of the entrance hall.
To the left of the entrance, which is reminiscent of the walls of an ancient Roman bath, the lift will lead anyone in the Bookshop who wants to get immersed in a world of culture.
our historyRecent speech by Umberto Pregliasco on the antique books market during the program "Milano Finanza". From the minute 15.44, viewable here!
featured books
Ricerco inoltre libri di generi differenti che siano nello stesso tempo compagni graditi e fedeli, pronti a biasimarti, a darti consigli, a insegnarti i segreti delle cose". (Petrarca)
"E mentre ci arrecano tanti vantaggi, non hanno bisogno di cibo né di bevanda e sono contenti di una povera veste e di un cantuccio della casa". (Petrarca)
"Ma con i libri succede con tutto il resto: l'ottenere ciò che si cerca, stimola ulteriormente il desiderio". (Petrarca)
“Croce aveva in simpatia gli ‘ottimi Pregliasco', evocati dalla figlia Donna Elena nei Ricordi Familiari quando in libreria da Pregliasco incontrava i suoi amici: Einaudi, Gioele Solari, Francesco Ruffini, Domenico Bulferetti, Gobetti, Federico Patetta”